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At the intersection of entrepreneurship, strategy, and human resources, I've dedicated my career to guiding businesses, and the individuals who lead them, towards success. As an executive with a proven track record of driving growth and navigating change, I offer a unique blend of strategic thinking and multidisciplinary expertise. Here at Precise Decisions, I aim to provide this expertise to those who need it the most - early-stage startups and aspiring business leaders.

Welcome to Precise Decisions, I'm Gil Hoizman

HR management as a service

I know that early-stage startups often grapple with a critical paradox - they require strategic HR leadership, but their budget constraints render a full-time VP HR untenable. It's here that I step in. I offer part-time VP HR services, bringing with me years of experience managing HR activities and implementing strategies that align organizational needs with business goals. I've spent the last three years stepping in as VP HR full-time to help companies successfully grow and navigate rapid changes

As your part-time VP HR, I not only provide strategic HR counsel but also execute, managing all aspects of HR - from talent acquisition and development to performance management and organizational design. I’ve spent the last three years immersing myself in various companies, adapting to their unique cultures and challenges, and delivering effective solutions in real-time.

Moreover, my in-depth understanding of business operations enables me to align HR strategies with your company's vision, ensuring organizational harmony and progress. Whether it's overcoming challenging work situations, navigating delicate team dynamics, or integrating AI-related tools for improved outcomes, I can guide you.

In-depth Career decisions and crisis navigation

 In the professional development journey, I believe we must use the same level of rigor and investigative mindset of corporate strategy in analyzing personal considerations and interpersonal situations. 

Teaching university level courses 

 I have built a unique  belive  determined to establish the same level of rigor and investigative mindset of corporate strategy in analyzing personal considerations and interpersonal situations. 

Photo by: Lubomir Simek


  phone number  +972-544-545-434

ההודעה התקבלה ניצור קשר בהקדם

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